It is a two-component mortar with above-average thermal insulation performance. It is intended primarily for the construction of single-layer walls.
Component A: a cement-and-lime binder, regranulated (or granulated) polystyrene foam, mineral additives and chemical admixtures
Component B: construction grade sand with a grain size of up to 0.2 mm, PN-EN 12620:2004-compliant, to be used as a filler.
Intended use
construction of residential buildings, industrial premises and public utility buildings,
inside and outside buildings, except for surfaces exposed to moisture (cellar walls, foundations below the frost line),
connection of bricks, building blocks or other ceramic or concrete elements.
The thermal insulation consistency of the wall is increased, with λ≤ 0.2W/m·K (for the binding material).
Thermal bridges are either eliminated or significantly reduced.
The compressive strength after 28 days is good: category M5.
The material adheres to the surface well.
It is a malleable material.
The process of preparing the wet mortar is low labour intensive.
It can be used for bricklaying work using traditional tools and techniques.
Process parameters
temperature of application (except for the surface and the environment): +50C°-250C°
recommended mix proportions: 8 (± 5%) litres of water for each pack of component A (18 kg) and each pack of component B (10.5 L)
mixing time: 4 min
suitable for use when mixed with water: 2-3 hours
recommended binding layer thickness: approx. 1 cm
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